Well, Evan seems to be doing MUCH better!! Yesterday was "ify". He was having apnea's and eratic heart rate episodes, but the resident realized he wasn't getting his caffeine, so she ordered another med that is similar to what he was getting but gets administered through his IV. She seemed shocked that he hadn't been put on this when he was taken off his regular caffeine.
After he got that, he seemed to do better!! Ah yes...my boy is a caffeine junky already!
We were pleased with how well he looked last night. He got his sponge bath and after Brett was able to hold him for a while. And Evan was just LOVING his snuggle with daddy! And loving his soother!! It is SO funny listening to him suck his soother...it's so loud! And adorable!
I spoke with Evan's night nurse this morning and she said he had an awesome night! No apnea's since early evening and no brady's and things were looking good. PHEW...I love those reports!!
Today Evan is having a repeat xray and blood work. He is also scheduled to have his eye exam this afternoon (which kinda makes me nervous because apparently it is rather stressful for preemies and they tend to brady more often afterwards...).
Please pray that Evan's tummy is MUCH better than from the first xray, and that his platelette levels are back to normal. Also pray that the eye exam (if they do proceed today) will not be terribly stressful for Evan and that he will not experience an increase in brady's from it. Also pray that his exam would come out normal!
Thank you all for your prayers! You are helping Evan get through this part of his life in the NICU, and we appreciate knowing he is so loved by so many!!!!
I love the look on Evan's face! So adorable :)